ETF comparison

Here you can compare selected ETFs. Use "Evaluation settings" to specify how important the individual criteria are to you. For each ETF, we calculate your personal "P-Score". Its maximum value is 100 and indicates how well an ETF suits your requirements.

0 SPDR MSCI EM Asia Samplingacc.9227880.55 0.04 0.48 29.1 -9.2
0 iShares MSCI EM Asia USD (Acc) fully phys.acc.92221520.20 0.11 0.51 30.5 -8.0
0 Amundi MSCI Em Asia - EUR (C) Synth.acc.9228320.20 0.02 0.49 7.0 0.2
0 Amundi MSCI Emerging Asia II Acc Synth.acc.9221560.12 0.04 0.10 0.7

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